1. Locality name *

2.Type of Locality *

3. Gender *

4. Age *

5. Education Status *

6. What is the mandate of PPADB *

7. How long have you been a PPADB customer? *

8. Of the following PPADB services, which one(s) have you received? *

9. How satisfied are you with the following services(s) you received from PPADB *

  Reliability Ease of Use Overall Quality
Contractor Registration 
Capacity Building 

10. Score below the extent to which PPADB fell short or exceeded your expectations *

11. Have you used the PPADB Integrated Procurement Management System (IPMS)

If you answered ‘yes’ above, answer the question below by rating your experiences with IPMS;

Clarity of what is required from you 
Quality of information provided by PPADB 
General support received throughout the registration process 
Responsiveness to enquiries 
Professionalization of PPADB staff 
Value for money-Price paid for registration for service delivered 
Time taken to complete registration 

13. (i) If yes, how responsive was PPADB to your complaint?

14. To what extent would you be willing to say positive things about PPADB? *

  Low Average High
Enter Rating Sub-Question #1 
Enter Rating Sub-Question #2 
Enter Rating Sub-Question #3 

15. How confident are you that PPADB will do a good job of providing high quality service in the future? *

  Low Average High
Enter Rating Sub-Question #1 
Enter Rating Sub-Question #2 
Enter Rating Sub-Question #3 

16. Overall how satisfied are you with PPADB service? *

  Low Average High
Enter Rating Sub-Question #1 
Enter Rating Sub-Question #2 
Enter Rating Sub-Question #3 

17. What suggestions do you have to improve our service? *